Sewerage system for private homes as well mount

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The scheme of internal and external sewage system of a private house

The scheme of internal and external sewage system of a private house

In addition, an amount of waste sources compels significantly complicate the sewer network. However, with the advent of PVC pipes for sewerage, Construction Dimensions managed to keep within reasonable limits. The same circumstance has greatly increased the degree of ease of installation and removal of sewage systems. After all the components PVC fittings are tight but easily assembled connection system.

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Thus, modern sewage system is a set of wiring intrahouse sewer pipesHaving a certain degree of bias towards the drain. To get out of the house drain pipe enters into the outer container in which there is an accumulation or purification or processing of domestic waste water in different ways. All sanitary appliances are equipped with siphons, which provide no smell in the room.

private house sewage system

private house sewage system

Interior drainage to a private home, how to lay pipes

For example, take two-storey cottage with two bathrooms and a kitchen. On the second floor there is a toilet, and on the first kitchen, bathroom and one toilet. If the toilets are arranged approximately in the same vertical plane, it requires one riser, and if different, the two riser.

Vertical risers sewer represent the largest diameter tube, standing vertically. They connect the roof and plinth. Runoff from all plumbing fixtures converge in them. Risers in the lower their locations are connected to a horizontal tube, which has a slope and beyond the home. It leads to an external drain.

The right slope of pipes when installing internal drainage

The right slope of pipes when installing internal drainage

Some details of hydrodynamics

When moving through the pipe, the water filling its entire section, has the effect of the piston. This happens, for example, when draining the water from the the toilet. Behind this area of ​​the piston creates a very low pressure, due to which all the water can be simply drained from the siphon of sanitary devices. This becomes a cause of unpleasant odors indoors.

Before the piston creates a high pressure, which is able to push the water from the siphon to the other. To avoid this, it is required ventilation device which will effectively adjust the system pressure during explosive discharge of water. That's why the top of the riser is displayed on the attic and does not close.

In addition to the drain bowl, a similar effect is created by the piston drained out of the tub or the washing machine, which creates an additional pump pressure. The same can be observed in the presence of long podvodok of plumbing equipment to the riser, and at too high differential levels beginning and end of the feed pipe.

Production Scheme sewer riser 1 - riser 2 - revision 3 - fastening hook under the steel pipe socket, 4 - Floor outlet angle 135 °, 5 - tube cleaning, 6 - steel sleeve, 7 - harvesting resin rope 8 - Cement solution

Production Scheme sewer riser 1 - riser 2 - revision 3 - fastening hook under the steel pipe socket, 4 - Floor outlet angle 135 °, 5 - tube cleaning, 6 - steel sleeve, 7 - harvesting resin rope 8 - Cement solution

Useful advice!When the water drain device for a private home, how to arrange the toilet, do not know everything. Meanwhile, to connect to the riser it should be separate from other devices. They are, if possible, should be higher than that of the "dangerous" device.

Sewerage system for private homes as well mount

There are several basic rules in the construction of internal sewerage system, the violation of which is fraught with imbalance of the entire sewer:

  • toilet riser to connect separately;
  • Devices must be connected above the toilet. Otherwise, it is possible splash of sewage in them;
  • plumbing appliances, except the toilet, can be connected to one common eyeliner;
Example of connection to the sewer plumbing fixtures

Example of connection to the sewer plumbing fixtures

  • diameter of the pipe fittings must be somewhat greater than or equal to the diameter of the largest pipe from the device suitable for this eyeliner;
  • diameter of any strut with a toilet bowl must be greater than and equal to the diameter of the pipe from the toilet. The standard is 100 mm. If the riser without the bowl, it suffices to 50 mm tube;
  • hoses from the toilet to the riser can not exceed 1 m and not more than 3 m from other devices. In the presence of fittings, whose length is 5 m, its diameter must not be less than 70 mm, and if more than 5 m, the diameter is increased to 100 mm.

Useful advice!There is no way to increase the diameter of the pipes at great length liner. This requires its upper end equipped with a vacuum valve which will aeration. The second option - to connect the rear end of the liner with a vent pipe from the riser. Likewise liner can be extended to the toilet bowl when needed.

Repair or adding elements sewerage system using couplings

Repair or adding elements sewerage system using couplings

Additional nuances that should take into account when laying sewage pipes

In addition to the above basic rules when installing the drain, you need to consider, and not less important nuances:

  • most effective bias lies in the pipes 2 - 15%, which is 2 - 15 cm / rm. The difference in height toilet It recommended that no more than 1 m, and other devices up to 3 m. arrange ventilation of the upper ends of the high differential heights such podvodok;
  • at the corners of the tube should not mate with each other by shaped parts having a rotation angle of 90 °. For this, use standard components forming the flow angle 135 °;
  • for an effective ventilation of the sewage, pipes outputted from the downcomer above the roof not less than 50 cm. They can not be connected to the ventilation system of the premises;
  • mounted correctly, drainage for private homesAs she expected, does not exude unpleasant odors. To do this, sometimes done in the upper part of the risers podvodok and aeration valves. They allow air to enter into the system, but do not allow to go out. This prevents the creation of low pressure in these pipes;
Automatic closing of the valve during the return flow

Automatic closing of the valve during the return flow

Useful advice!In order to prevent impurities entering the house overflow septic tankInside the outlet pipe is mounted check valve. It also prevents the ingress of rodents in the house.

Connecting to siphon plumbing fixtures

Each sanitary appliance in the house is connected to the eyeliner is not directly but through a U - shaped small tribe, which is called a siphon. In its lower part at any time is a liquid which creates gidrobarer for gases formed in the filth. Thanks to him, the smell does not penetrate into the room.

The operating principle of the siphon sewer

The operating principle of the siphon sewer

If inside the home felt bad sewer smell from the plumbing device, it may mean the following:

  1. Drying water siphons on account of their prolonged inactivity. This can happen in the cottages where people are rare. Therefore, when leaving the drain holes must be closed.
  2. It has not been installed properly for drainage of a private house. Typically, this happens when there is insufficient attention to the ventilation device.

In order to prevent this, ventilation made of PVC pipes for sewerageWhose dimensions should be at least 100 - 110 mm. Its upper end must be above the roof.

Respecting the proposed rules, it is possible to mount their own domestic sewage homes, which will operate without major problems.

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