How to make a greenhouse or a greenhouse with your own hands from window frames

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If there is a plot of land, then have your own, although a small greenhouse, or better a greenhouse, it is absolutely necessary - I tell you this as a summer resident with experience. It will be useful for the cultivation of some crops if the spring is late or even prolonged, as it often happens in our North-West district. In order not to depend on the vagaries of the weather and not worry about the future harvest, seedlings are grown in greenhouses.

The easiest way to make a greenhouse or greenhouse with your own hands, which is available for beginners - to build it from the window frames. Very often gardeners use polyethylene film to cover greenhouse gardens. But the window frame is also glass, but it keeps the heat better and lets in the light than the film. In the spring it is especially important, since the days are not as long as in the summer. And the reliability of the film has its limits.

What you need to know about building a greenhouse / hothouse in a country house

When building a greenhouse and a greenhouse, you need to be guided not only by the availability of free space in the villa area, but also by the size of the existing window frames. You can, of course, order a plastic window frame, but then it will be necessary to take care of the appropriate fasteners. We proceed from the fact that we already have wooden frames used.

 If the frame is long, then it can be used as a single upper leaf, actually I did it when I used the old frame from the loggia. In the presence of short frames, they can be installed across the general framework of the greenhouse, and then you get several opening lids. Therefore, each decides for himself how it is more convenient to do.

greenhouse from window frames

Now you need to decide on the case itself. If the greenhouse will be operated for many years and the place under it at another time of the year, except for spring, will not be used, it is better to make a greenhouse. This means that its body is better laid out of bricks. The upper part - the lid of the window frames can be made in a removable version and cleaned for the winter. If it is not possible to make a shell of stone, then it is made from a regular board.

The greenhouse can be made both with the slope of the top part in one direction, and on two. In the latter case, in the middle, it will be necessary to envisage the laying of a ridge beam. The slope of the upper surface is needed to prevent water from accumulating on it( in rainy weather).If the slope is only one, then the greenhouse should be oriented so that it slopes towards the upper part in the direction where the Sun is most of the day, then the vegetables with the seedlings will grow faster.

If there are a lot of window frames, then it is possible, and even need to make of them also the skeleton of the greenhouse. The main thing is to work neatly not to break the side windows. Such a greenhouse is most preferable, as this is the most "light" option, and therefore, planting will ascend and develop better.

greenhouse-of-window frames

Special care must be taken to ensure the integrity of the entire structure. Firmly fix everything, fasten it, knock it down - that's not all. It is necessary to carefully close all the grooves and cracks. For this, various putty, sealants are used. The task is to completely isolate the internal space from the environment. At once you need to think about the supports for the upper "doors".They should keep the window frames in the open position while working with plants.

When installing a greenhouse, it is necessary, if possible, to choose a place protected from winds. The presence of a nearby source of water should also be envisaged. As an option - to make the greenhouse as a continuation of some construction on the site. If the frame is made of wood, care should be taken to protect the planks from decay. A ruberoid is laid underneath the bottom, and the boards( the lower part) should be polished - then the frame will serve for a long time. However, if you make a greenhouse for a long time - make a base of brick. My hotbed has been serving for 6 years already, and it will continue to be at least as much again, delighting the family with fresh vegetables already in March.

To make it easier to understand the whole principle of building a greenhouse, let's watch the video:

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