Design of anterooms: a photo in an apartment and a house, project rooms, solutions are bright, simple and independent, with their own hands

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Thanks to a wide variety of styles, you can beautifully decorate the hallway, based on personal preferences Thanks to the wide variety of style directions, it is possible to decorate the entrance hall beautifully, based on personal preferences of . Many people undeservedly ignore such part of the apartment as an entrance hall. This is a fundamentally wrong approach: the guests first of all see the corridor in the apartment, and it is on him that the first impression is formed. To the hallway pleased the eye and left a good opinion about yourself, it is necessary to give it no less attention than all the other rooms.

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    • StylishDesign of hallways( video)
    • Design of halls( interior photo)

Modern design of hallways in the apartment

Not often the owner of a city apartment can be congratulated on a successfullocation of the hall. Usually it is a narrow corridor where a couple of people can hardly walk. A hallway requires functionality and convenience. And it should be comfortable visually.

Here are a few tricks:

  • Combining accessories and furniture;
  • Minimalist style;
  • Light color scale;
  • Gloss and mirrors in finish;
  • Built-in wardrobes.

The hallway is the place in the apartment where you need to place only the most necessary furniture The hallway is the place in the apartment where you only need to place the most necessary furniture.

Of course, you need to follow not only the designer's advice, but also personal tastes and sanity. Obviously, a small room in a one-room apartment should not be overloaded with furniture and accessories - the space will become even smaller. And if the house has small children, then preference should be given to strong and non-mark materials.

It's better to send a large simple storage cabinet to the room, replacing it with pretty strong hooks. Of course, it will be necessary to tinker, regularly changing the range of clothes depending on the season. But in the hallway there will be a place for maneuvers.

An interesting move is the placement of the shoe shelf. From above you can put a seat, and a comfortable bench is ready.

You can add several open shelves for necessary items, for example, umbrellas, hats and accessories for the care of shoes and clothes.

Unusual hallway design in the house

In a private house during the construction phase, you can lay a large hallway size in the plan. And here there is a fantasy, where to clear up.

In the large hallway will be appropriate:

  • Stand for umbrellas;
  • Shelves for shoes;
  • Wardrobe;
  • Bench or chair;
  • Cabinet.

To make the design of the hallway unusual is possible with the help of LED tape placed on the ceiling It is possible to make the design of the hallway unusual with the help of an LED strip placed on the ceiling

It is very convenient to place a special bowl on the cabinet for storing keys, put a comb or perfume. The mirror too will be quite to the point. Especially in the winter - to correct the cap, it is beautiful to tie a scarf. Walls also should not be left without attention. You can decorate them with pictures, hooks for keys with a name. Or even a beautifully decorated family tree.

Popular and whiteboards on which you can leave a note describing the tasks, write down something important or just wish a good day to all household members.

The labels can then be erased, or left to memory. If the family is large, then there will be a stand for storing umbrellas. One can also put a cane there, if necessary. And a functional bench so that you can sit down and tie your laces, wipe your shoes or just catch your breath, is simply indispensable, especially when older people live in the house. The cabinet can be combined with hooks on the wall, for example, leave light jackets on the hooks, and remove the warm winter clothes until the next season.

Cozy entrance hall: design solutions

Not all people like to repair themselves, that's why they hire a special team of construction masters to carry out work, especially if the house is elite. The same happens with the design of the hallway, for example, in a three-room apartment: not everyone has time, desire and imagination to combine all their desires well, but at the same time making the entrance hall beautiful and comfortable. Designers can offer a huge number of ready-made solutions or develop a project by individual order.

The hallway, made in olive and brown, looks very cozy The hallway, made in olive and brown, looks very snug

But a few general tips are ready to share with the professionals:

  • In the hallway, houseplants look very appropriate;
  • With smooth walls, falsh beams and various moldings are ideal;
  • It will be interesting to look like a ceiling with photo printing;
  • The hallway style should correspond with the style of the rest of the apartment;
  • In the large hallway will be the place of various art objects - paintings, figurines, original personal photos and beautiful watches;
  • Dilute the palette of colors will help beautiful carpet paths;
  • You definitely need to add lights using mirrors or additional lighting fixtures.

The decor of the hallway is admirably combined. For example, photo printing on the ceiling can be performed in the same colors and motifs as the pictures on the walls.

How to design the design of the hallway

The color scheme for the hallway is usually chosen light.

The following shades are relevant:

  • Terracotta;
  • Khaki;
  • Beige and brown.

When drawing up a design project on paper, you need to specify the places where each piece of furniture will be located When drawing up a design project on paper, you need to specify the places where each piece of furniture will be placed

However, some dark, saturated colors are also very popular, for example, blue, green and purple. Wall-papers on the wall in the hallway have already gone out of fashion. Now small engravings and panels are preferred. The ceilings are chosen for two or three tones lighter than the shade of the walls - this visually increases the space.

Rarely the hallway is equipped with a window, so additional lighting is simply necessary. As a rule, this LED strip is mounted in the ceiling.

Beautiful looking sconces and suspended floor lamps. The proper organization of the space plays an important role in decorating the hallway. If space permits, then the closet will perfectly cope with the function of storing things. Do not forget about the doors that lead from the hallway to other rooms. Usually they are decorated and decorated the same way, according to the style and color scheme in the hallway. Very often the door has a double decor: one kind from the side of the hallway and completely different from the side of the room. It looks very interesting, especially if the style of a two-room apartment assumes a clear separation by colors.

Bright design of the hallway

When choosing the design of the hallway, you need to think not so much about what the guests will be delighted about, but about how to admire the owners at this living room.

Bright design is perfect for small hallways, because light colors can visually increase the room The bright design is perfect for small hallways, because light colors can visually enlarge the room.

Therefore, the design needs to be clever:

  • The excess of bright colors adversely affects the psyche;
  • Bright accents look better in combination with light shades;
  • Do not be afraid to mix contrasting things;
  • The ceiling in the color of the walls will look original, if it is separated by contrasting moldings;
  • Some accessories can be placed on the floor;
  • Live flowers can be replaced by artificial ones, but only of high quality;
  • Sometimes it is enough one detail - hours, mirrors with aged amalgam;
  • For a large hallway - a large closet that will bring the space back to normal without heavy furniture and giant accessories;
  • The table in the hallway successfully replaces the console;
  • Several small mirrors make up a harmonious composition.

Mirrors in the hallway in general play a significant role - they have a great many functions. And not only to see the reflection. It is enough to arrange one mirror in front of the other, and visually the space will drastically change. Particularly impressive is a mirror wall or door.

If the room seems insufficiently colored, one bright detail, for example, a banquet, is enough. Or you can paint an unusual color table or chair yourself.

The area near the door can be separated from the entrance. For example, using a rug or tile or using a variety of zoning techniques.

Fashionable designer hallways

Naturally, this is the flight of design thought does not stop. It became very fashionable to apply fabric decor in the hallway - to trim a banquet, lampshades for lamps, cloaks on a chair or a curbstone. In the trend, hunting subjects, in particular, hunting horns.

A fashionable design solution is the location in the hallway of a three-dimensional mirror with illumination A fashionable design solution is the arrangement in the hallway of a bulb with a backlight

You can transform what you already have with:

  • Unusual frame for the mirror;
  • Many different shelves and a Chinese antique cupboard will be an excellent storage system;
  • Items with different invoices perfectly match with each other;
  • You do not need to be embarrassed to take some elements from steampunk: copper tubes, gears, barometers.

Semicircular and angular pieces of furniture will look original in the hallway if there is not enough space in it, and the corners seem empty. At the same angles you can put houseplants, small statues. In a private two-story house, of course, there is a wide staircase, and, accordingly, the space below it. You can use it rationally - turn it into a closet, make shelves or cover with cloth and store something you need.

You can add not only the closet, but also the mezzanine. Places for storage a lot does not happen, there are always things that need to be removed. To non-standard rooms the furniture of a typical design hardly ever approaches, therefore it is necessary to concern to its choice very carefully.

Stylish design of hallways( video)

The designer is able to create a lot of interesting things and stunningly beautiful options for decorating the hallway. But who said that we ourselves can not become designers?

hallways Design( Interior photos)

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