Dimensions countertops for the kitchen: the ergonomics and rationality

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Comfort - this is not a luxury but a vital necessity. Modern rhythm requires a person more energy. Restore physical and emotional forces must contribute to the situation of each room of a house. Discomfort is not only prevents rehabilitation, but also enhances the fatigue. That use of the kitchen did not cause irritation, and cooking brought pleasure, you need to choose the right size for the kitchen countertops.

Dimensions countertops for the kitchen: the priority of ergonomics and rationality

The size countertops for the kitchen is chosen depending on the overall size of the room and furniture


  • 1 Surface dimensions: a departure from the typical and standards
    • 1.1 The height of the worktop in the kitchen: comfort and health
    • 1.2 Does the height of kitchen worktops to the interior
    • 1.3 Thickness countertops for kitchens: dependence of the size of the manufacturing material
    • 1.4 The width of the table top: standard and possible changes
  • 2 Maximum use of space: corner worktop for the kitchen
    • 2.1 Corner table tops in the interior of a small kitchen
  • 3 Countertops for kitchens made of particleboard and other wood-based materials
    • 3.1 Evrozapil worktops: perfect quality, under certain conditions
    • 3.2 Stone countertops for kitchens: a combination of strength and presentable
  • 4 Dimensions countertops for the kitchen: change does not mean better

Surface dimensions: a departure from the typical and standards

The table top is very important, important element of the kitchen. Representing most simple form - the right rectangle (sometimes composed of fragments), it carries the maximum mechanical load compared to other cooking surfaces. Its size is selected depending on the general conditions of the room, the size of other furniture. Installed permanently.

Main characteristics worktop dimensions: length, width (depth), the thickness

Main characteristics worktop dimensions: length, width (depth), the thickness

The main characteristics that should be considered when choosing a countertop are:

  • size;
  • quality of the material;
  • surface color.

Worktop size standard for cuisine existed long enough. It causes the uniformity of the size of premises in apartment buildings. Even the kitchen had roughly the same size in the private housing. Set "Cinderella" was a universal goal. Then they began to appear the master-craftsmen who are ready to perform customized countertop. Today, the furniture industry produces a variety of options and different dimensions and material.

Key Features tops size:

  • length;
  • width (depth);
  • thickness.

Certain restrictions exist today. The limit of the length of, e.g., countertops are made of wood materials. The surface of natural stone is most often made to order. Most standardized remains wide kitchen worktops. This is due to the optimality of the suggested size. Very narrow or broad surface inconvenient to use.

Most standardized remains only the width of the worktop

Most standardized remains only the width of the worktop

Traditionally, the tabletop is set along the wall. even the name of the "working wall" appeared in connection with it. Modern designers offer other provisions countertops, non-standard forms of which can be made to order.

The height of the worktop in the kitchen: comfort and health

Most of the time in the kitchen hostess or another member of the family engaged in food preparation, holding it over the work surface. The height of the kitchen from floor to countertop affects the position of the body during cooking. Low-lying table top causes significantly bend the spine. When a long stay in that position, he begins to curve, which has a negative effect on blood circulation. At unduly high surface load on the muscles of the arms increases, which leads to rapid fatigue.

The main indicator in choosing the height of the working surface - growth. There is a scale that determines the appropriate height of human growth and tabletop size. However, it should be borne in mind that this is not information from experts and the result of experience and observation.

Man's height The height of the countertop
Up to 160 cm 75-80 cm
160-175 cm 82-90 cm
175 cm and above 91-100 cm

Because the shape of each person is unique, hand location level may be different. Therefore it is necessary in the selection of countertops for the kitchen under the size of the body to carry out the following additional calculations required height:

In determining the height of the work surface should not focus on the growth of all households

In determining the height of the work surface should not focus on the growth of all households

  • stand with your back straight;
  • bend the elbow at a right angle and fix point below 15 cm;
  • measure the distance from the floor to the point - this is the optimal height of the countertop.

Useful advice!When determining the height of the work surface should not select a variant obtained by calculating the average height of all households. This countertop is inconvenient for everyone.

One way to create comfortable conditions for the use of the work surface may be the presence in the furniture design adjustable legs.

Does the height of kitchen worktops to the interior

Interior - an important component of coziness and comfort of the room. Not only the design features, but also the size of the product in this case has important value. Kitchen countertops length is determined by the presence of free space, and therefore it should be proportional to the size of the room.

It is impossible to reduce the height of kitchen countertops in favor of interior layout

It is impossible to reduce the height of kitchen countertops in favor of interior layout

Quite differently chosen the required height. Most often, problems arise when the ceiling height does not exceed 240 cm, and the working surface is required to raise the floor level by 95 cm and above. In any case it is impossible to reduce the height of the product for the sake of the interior. It is necessary to use other solutions, e.g., set to high structure legs. You can under the sink to make a niche, sink and hob are located nearby, shifting to one side. Bright color surfaces and lower the kitchen unit facade will also contribute to a decrease in visual dimensions.

Looking through catalogs, paying attention to how big are countertops for the kitchen, it is easy to note that to a large extent on the visual assessment of the size of this element affects the thickness. On this indicator is worth looking separately.

Thickness countertops for kitchens: dependence of the size of the manufacturing material

The thickness of the countertops - this is not only the visual perception. This is largely strength, which is determined by:

  • thermal stability;
  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • wear.

Countertops made from different materials, and are characterized by different thickness.

Countertops made of solid wood usually have a thickness of 40 mm

Countertops made of solid wood usually have a thickness of 40 mm

Working surfaces of ADI domestic production have a value of the indicator is equal to 28 mm and 38 mm. Foreign companies offer products of wood materials 60 mm thick.

Countertops made of solid wood usually are characterized by a 40 mm. Making an individual order, many consumers prefer to increase this figure up to 50-60 mm, and sometimes up to 80-100 mm.

Artificial stone countertops have upper and lower limits. If the thickness is less than 12 mm, the use of such a stone for the working surface can not, manufacturers do not guarantee quality. Application of artificial stone requires 12-15 mm thick substrate made of plywood or other wood-based materials, which increases the overall size of the countertop. Thickness of 40 mm is the maximum for a surface formed directly from a stone.

Dimensions of kitchen worktops made of natural stone less standardized. They often performed for individual orders, whole plate sizes for the working surface depend on the slab (blank).

Countertops made from different materials, different thickness and characterized by

Countertops made from different materials, different thickness and characterized by

Quite popular glass countertop. They are usually made of several layers and has a total thickness of 8-20 mm. Metal working surfaces consist of a base coated medical steel, the thickness of which ranges from 0.8 to 1.2 mm.

For concrete surfaces limiter thickness can be a lot of weight, requires special foundations and aesthetic component.

Useful advice!When purchasing or ordering of kitchen furniture with a thick worktop should pay special attention to the quality of support. They must be made of material capable of withstanding a constant load for a long time.

The width of the table top: standard and possible changes

The width (depth) of the kitchen countertop affects not only the working surface, but also on the dimensions of the bottom of the furniture unit. That is why the value is characterized by a certain regularity: the standard width of countertops for the kitchen - 60 cm.

The width of the kitchen countertop affects not only the working surface, but also on the dimensions of the bottom of the furniture unit

The width of the kitchen countertop affects not only the working surface, but also on the dimensions of the bottom of the furniture unit

This depth allows you to position the bottom of the kitchen furniture drawers and shelves convenient sizes. Traditionally 100-120 mm countertop removed to create a buffer zone (space between a wall and furniture), 50-80 mm is rounded overhanging edge, which protects against liquids dripping from the working surface on the front portion of the lower module. The depth of the drawers and shelves with a standard countertop - 400-420 mm. This size provides a good capacity and a wide use.

Reducing the width of the countertop for the kitchen leads to a significant limitation of the operational capabilities. Household appliances should be removed immediately after use in order to make room for other activities. It is impossible to arrange and sort at the same time the required number of subjects. Close the doors are hinged cabinets, you need to move in order to open them, and so on. D.

Many housewives prefer a large kitchen space to increase the width of the countertop. With this decision, the following disadvantages must be considered:

  • objects, standing at the inner edge of the table top, it is difficult to get - an uncomfortable grip;
  • you must reach to electrical outlets to include home appliances;
  • excessive removal of wall cabinets;
  • made in accordance with the increased size of wall cabinets seem cumbersome problem removing items from the upper shelves.
The standard width is a kitchen countertop - 60 cm

The standard width is a kitchen countertop - 60 cm

Useful advice!When you increase the size of table tops (900-1000 mm) is better than the lower part of the furniture to equip the boxes rather than shelves, the use of which at such depths would be extremely inconvenient.

Maximum use of space: corner worktop for the kitchen

One of the most common variants of tops - corner. This form is particularly suitable for building a square shape. After the installation is an area where you can place a dining table, to which all sides would be free approach.

Dimensions corner countertops for kitchen selected on the same principle as for the traditional rectangular options: a comfortable height, convenient width, thickness depending on the material, design, performance characteristics.

Important!Last corner region forms a table top will be significantly removed at a depth greater than the standard sizes.

Corner countertops have no restrictions regarding manufacturing materials

Corner countertops have no restrictions regarding manufacturing materials

Depending on the configuration and integrity of the following types of table-tops:

  1. Monolithic. They are a single plate without seams and joints. Quite difficult to install option, but the performance indicators have a high level. Such surfaces, in particular with a non-porous structure, do not absorb moisture - the main source causing aging and destruction of the kitchen element.
  2. L-shaped. These countertops for kitchen furniture allow maximum use of space. Most embodiment is a compound where the short portion may have a smaller depth.
  3. Surfaces consisting of three elements. Two rectangular pieces are complemented by a separate corner. This design is appropriate when installed in the corner zone oven or sink significant size. This configuration requires separate and angular facade, which becomes interesting interior element.

Corner countertops have no restrictions regarding manufacturing materials. They can be made from both wood materials and made of artificial or natural stone, concrete.

Related article:

Corner sink for the kitchen: the best option for small-sized room

Variety of shells. Mounting methods. The shape and size of the angular models of sinks. Selecting the cupboard under the sink corner type.

Corner table tops in the interior of a small kitchen

Corner table top, of course, increase the effective surface area, but also have considerable size. Whether the installation of such an option is possible in a small kitchen? It is, but on the condition that allows room layout. And the form itself should select the optimal worktop.

Angular tabletop for a small kitchen, you can choose both light and dark, but it is better if it would not contrast with the facades

Angular tabletop for a small kitchen, you can choose both light and dark, but it is better if it would not contrast with the facades

In any case should not be to reduce the width of the countertop. Standard sizes for small square dishes are quite acceptable. Visually help to free up space rounded end portions. In addition, they will contribute to the free movement. Angular tabletop for a small kitchen, you can choose both light and dark, but it is better if it would not contrast with the facades.

Important role in creating the interior can play a plinth. For countertops in the kitchen, whose size is 10-12 , It is recommended to choose an option, do not stand out against the wall. This accessory is not delineate the border, will not create sensations box, it will be easy to carry out its function - to prevent the ingress of moisture and food particles in an undesirable area.

It is not necessary to equip a small kitchen separate wide façade to the corner region. It is not only visually but also in fact takes up considerable space. In kitchen with a countertop is more suitable for large and high spaces.

Useful advice!If the kitchen area of ​​at least 9 , Place one side of the corner better countertops along the wall with a window. The absence of wall cabinets and good natural illumination will contribute to a feeling of much free space.

If the kitchen area of ​​less than 9 m ², place one side of the corner better countertops along the wall with a window

If the kitchen area of ​​less than 9 m ², place one side of the corner better countertops along the wall with a window

Countertops for kitchens made of particleboard and other wood-based materials

The most common for the manufacture of kitchen worktops material - wood industry waste. Particle boards (chipboards) made of sawdust mixed with the resin by hot pressing. MDF (fine fraction) - a wood-fiber plates of fine sawdust, which are first dried and then glued together. Both material has an outer coating - lamination.

Table tops of the MDF and chipboard characterized by the following common features:

  • the material has an affordable price;
  • relatively light weight, does not require considerable physical effort during installation;
  • easy to process;
  • thermal resistance;
  • shock-resistant;
  • represented by a wide variety of colors topcoats.
Performing docking parts countertops from wood materials, cuts processing and use of sealant required

Performing docking parts countertops from wood materials, cuts processing and use of sealant required

Evaluating the shortcomings can be identified as follows:

  • low degree of environmental friendliness;
  • exposure to moisture.

If we make a comparison of the qualities of the two materials, it should be noted that the DSP cheaper releases formaldehyde, is more susceptible to moisture. Table top of MDF for the kitchen will be more water-resistant, but also more expensive. Both materials require hermetic sealing ends. Chipboard covered with a protective layer on both sides, MDF - just external.

Surface dimensions cuisines for chipboard and MDF standard: 28-60 mm - thickness 3.5 m and - maximum length. Of these materials can carve a working surface of any shape, using as a one-piece sheet billet.

The most common material for manufacturing kitchen surfaces - is MDF and chipboard

The most common material for manufacturing kitchen surfaces - is MDF and chipboard

Useful advice!Performing docking parts countertops from wood materials should pay special attention to embedding the seams. Processing sections and the use of sealant required.

plywood also used for manufacturing countertops. This material is often used as a base on which the stacked plates of stone or concrete screed.

Evrozapil worktops: perfect quality, under certain conditions

Evrozapil is most often used when installing the angular forms, as well as for worktops in standard sizes. In fact, this dock-lock: one part of the sample has a certain shape and size, and the second - a projection that should definitely enter into it. Such a compound is a solid, leaving no trace of the seam, which in the qualitative evrozapile virtually invisible.

Evrozapil is most often used when installing angular shapes

Evrozapil is most often used when installing angular shapes

Sampling performed at high precision milling machine using patterns. Do not try to make a cut in the conventional apparatus for cutting. Even the smallest chips when connecting necessarily manifest.

Not only the aesthetic aspect is a positive development of the compound. Evrozapil ensures high integrity, which is particularly important for good performance and durability of the surface. Two square compounds have no gaps and cavities, tightly adjacent to each other.

The entire length of the table top can be used for a variety of purposes without fear of leakage of moisture into the joints. Despite the ideality sections before connecting processing means, which increase tightness.

Connection method evrozapila worktop must be installed on perfectly flat surface

Connection method evrozapila worktop must be installed on perfectly flat surface

If there are significant positive characteristics evrozapil has the disadvantage that strict requirements expressed in both the lower the furniture unit and to the entire room. Connection method evrozapila worktop must be installed on a perfectly flat surface, or during the use of the seam just begin to diverge. Consequently, the plane of the floor must not have defects.

Depth countertop with this method the compound does not matter, but the roughness of the walls may be formed cleft, which is sometimes quite difficult to close without loss of aesthetics.

Stone countertops for kitchens: a combination of strength and presentable

Countertops made of stone are a real kitchen decoration. The appearance of this type of work surfaces was originally motivated by the desire for naturalness, naturalness. Presentable appearance and good performance distinguish this material. Table tops may be formed of artificial or natural stone. Of synthetic options most often used acrylic stone and quartz agglomerate.

stone countertops for kitchens and toughness characterized presentableness

stone countertops for kitchens and toughness characterized presentableness

Acrylic Stone has the following components:

  • acrylic polymer;
  • aluminum trihydrate;
  • dyes.

Quartz consists of silica agglomerate crumbs and coupling of synthetic material. Both durable material, heat and moisture resistant.

The thickness of the artificial stone (and of the two species) - not less than 12 mm, maximum - 30-40 mm.

As materials for the production of natural stone countertops most common granite and marble

As materials for the production of natural stone countertops most common granite and marble

Acrylic countertops can be joined with almost no seams, so they have no size limitations. Quartz same surface is increased due to bonding parts. Make the connection invisible as possible can only be a specialist with a high level of professionalism.

As materials for the production of natural stone countertops most common granite and marble. In addition to strength, aesthetics, these surfaces have another distinct advantage: appearance can be restored by grinding.

Natural stone surface characterized by standard dimensions depth countertop. For kitchens large or small area on the customized options can be manufactured with deviations from standards. Optimum from the viewpoint of availability and cutting holes Fitting for a sink and a cooking surface is the thickness of 30 mm.

When purchasing or ordering of natural stone countertops to pay attention to the quality of the edge

When purchasing or ordering of natural stone countertops to pay attention to the quality of the edge

Useful advice!When purchasing or ordering of natural stone countertops to pay attention to the quality of the edge. It significantly affects both the comfort of use, and the aesthetic appearance.

Dimensions countertops for the kitchen: change does not mean better

The current standard size for kitchen countertops can not be considered random variables, flimsy or dependent only on the material used forms of manufacturing. They are the result of observations, studies and experience. Before you increase or decrease the traditional dimensional parameters, you must ensure the appropriateness of such action:

Before you increase or decrease the size of a traditional countertop, ensure the appropriateness of such action

Before you increase or decrease the size of a traditional countertop, ensure the appropriateness of such action

  1. Increased in the presence of free space depth countertop can cause dead zones, where will be stored just as superfluous various items.
  2. Before you give preference to the angular tabletop variant in order to increase the working surface, it is necessary to eliminate the appearance of a sense of "food for the sake of beautiful furniture." The room should be left enough space to install a dining table and comfortable accommodation for him.
  3. Most countertop thickness should be in harmony with the rest of the kitchen furniture.
  4. Mounted on the lower block podium kitchen unit can make use of uncomfortable working surface.
The thickness of the countertop should be in harmony with the rest of the kitchen furniture

The thickness of the countertop should be in harmony with the rest of the kitchen furniture

Table top - One of the main elements of the kitchen space. It should specify the shape and size of the other pieces of furniture. Even the most expensive and durable working surface of natural stone will not bring positive in the process cooking, if you have associated with disadvantages in size, affecting the conditions operation.

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