Applications and features of triplex glass

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Glass has long been considered an amazing and interesting material.

If earlier, this material was single-layer, today there are already other types of glass that have unique properties, which makes it possible to make various products from it. An example of this is double-glazed windows made of triplex. You can order them on the website

Namely, the film, when strongly applied to the glass, does not allow it to crumble. Many drivers can attest to this. However, the scope of application of the triplex does not end there. Triplex is successfully used for glazing loggias and balconies, window structures, doors with different inserts or without them are made from it, partitions inside the premises are made.

There are practically no downsides to this material. We can only note the large weight of the laminated glass. It is proposed to consider other possibilities of the triplex, which can be used:

  • for registration of entrances to the lobbies of buildings for various purposes;
  • carry out staircase structures using triplex;
  • for the manufacture of double-glazed windows;
  • it is even possible to make glass flooring with triplex, etc.

The range of application of this material is so wide that it is practically impossible to list all the areas of its application.

As for the essential advantages of the triplex, they include the following:

  1. the strength of the triplex is non-negotiable;
  2. with the help of triplex double-glazed windows, the room is always warm and quiet.

It is very difficult to break up a triplex. If such a situation happens, then getting cuts or injuries is completely excluded due to the fact that the glass does not shatter into small pieces, they remain on the film.

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