How to choose an electricity meter?

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A very important indicator of saving money at home is reducing the cost of paying for electricity. In the modern world, household appliances have high power, which certainly "hits your pocket" when a monthly receipt "for the light" comes. Next we will consider which electricity meter is better to choose and buy, so that monthly receipts are less and less!
  • A variety of
  • devices Which model should I prefer?
  • Useful tips for choosing

A variety of

devices First let's look briefly at what kind of power meters are, then find out what is needed for the house, apartment and villa.

So, for today there are the following types of products:

  1. Induction( mechanical) and electronic .The first are classics of the genre and are still used in buildings of the old type. The advantage of induction electricity meters in durability, reliability and low price. At the same time, the main disadvantage is a low accuracy class, as a result of which you can either overpay extra money or underpay. In turn, electronic products are multifunctional, can be designed for several tariffs and also better that they occupy less space on the input board. As you understand, the disadvantage is a higher cost and a shorter service life, which discourages buyers. To choose the type of the counter it is necessary judging by the material possibilities.
    Types of electricity meters photo
  2. Single-tariff and multi-tariff .There was already a whole discussion among the owners of counters for two / three tariffs and conventional devices. We have already considered the advantages of two-tariff meters, where they provided both negative and positive feedback from customers. Once again, we repeat that the rationality of choosing an aggregate for several tariffs depends on the region of residence and on what kind of household appliances and heaters you use more often. If you have a nightly rhythm of life, it is better to choose and buy a multi-tariff counter for the house and apartment. Assortment of goods
  3. Single-phase or three-phase .Everything is simple and depends on what type of wiring you use at home - with one phase or with three. Appearance of the device for phases 1 and 3
  4. Accuracy class .This characteristic shows the percentage error of the electricity meter when accounting for electricity consumption. To date, according to the PUE, it is necessary to use devices with an accuracy class not lower than 2.0.The more accurate the accounting, the less likely to be deceived when paying for "light."Accuracy class
  5. Power .Another, no less important characteristic, the choice of which should be based on the calculation of the average daily power consumption from electrical appliances. In simple words: what total current load arises in your house( or apartment).At the market of electrical products there are counters designed for a current from 5 to 100A.Rated current
  6. Method of attachment .The body can be mounted either on a DIN rail or bolted. Mounting on DIN rail
  7. Terms of use for .There are devices intended for use only in heated rooms, and there are street models. Here, only you are an advisor to yourself, which counter is better to choose and put. Street version

A short video review on the choice of electric meter for home and apartment:

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Which model to give preference?

So, we have provided types of electric grids, now we will talk about which is better to choose and buy for a house, apartment, garage and villa.

First, rely on the power characteristics of products. In order to correctly choose the power meter for power, or rather the current, it is necessary to calculate what electrical appliances you will use. At the modern home appliances, the nominal values ​​(in kW) are indicated in the passport. Summarize them and consider the stock( suddenly you buy something else), on the basis of which decide on the choice of a certain characteristic. If the total is no more than 10 kW, buy a model at 60 A, which is quite enough. If the average daily power consumption is more than 10 kW, it is better to choose an energy meter for 100 A. Usually for a house and an apartment, 60A is enough. Front panel with characteristics

Second , determine the type of device - mechanic or electrician, one tariff or two. Here, again, only you are an adviser to yourself, becauseeveryone has his own preferences and material possibilities. If at this stage there are difficulties, consult our experts in the category of "Q & A".We recommend that you only choose one-tariff electricity metering devices for the dacha.saving electricity once a week( and even a month) is not correct, given that the rest of the time you will overpay for the daily rate. Alternative options

Third, select the appropriate mounting type. Here we recommend choosing a model that is fixed to DIN-rail, becauseit is universal - when you purchase the adapter, you can fix the case and on the wall too.

Well, the last thing to note - manufacturer .Quality can be enjoyed by domestic firms, such as Incotex( the popular Mercury model), Energomera Concern, Leningrad Electromechanical Plant and the Moscow Electrical Instrumentation Plant. Among foreign firms, Elster Group and General Electric are popular. As for which electricity meter is better to choose by manufacturer, here we recommend actively reviewing reviews of various models on the forums. The best evaluation of quality can be given only by those who have already used this or that model.

Useful tips for choosing

Finally, I would like to tell you how to choose the right energy meter. Adhering to the following recommendations, you will be able to choose and buy the most suitable model:

  1. .Very powerful equipment can be used here, several types at the same time: a welding machine, a compressor, etc.
  2. Check the date of verification of the product( indicated in the attached passport), as well as the presence of seals on the body. Date goverka should have a prescription of not more than two years for single-phase devices and not more than a year for an electricity meter for 3 phases.
  3. Do not listen if you are told to overpay and buy a device with an automated expense accounting. For you, this function will not change anything for the only helps the energy companies to monitor the testimony, while the extra money will have to pay you.
  4. Russian manufacturers produce no less quality products than foreign ones. Read well the domestic models, read reviews on the thematic forums and choose a cheaper, but still reliable version of the electricity meter.
  5. Also read on the Internet about how expensive repair of your chosen electricity meter is, becausesometimes the price of maintenance is simply astronomical in relation to a certain firm.
  6. A small, but very important nuance - before buying ask about the noise level of the electricity meter, so that after installation you are not upset in an unpleasantly buzzing device.
  7. Electronic devices have a longer inter-verifying time than induction.
  8. Mechanical equipment can be "unwound", in contrast to the modern - electronic. This, of course, is prohibited by law, but nevertheless our people do not stop.
  9. If you still decide to choose a mechanical electricity meter, check it before purchasing. This is done in the following way: by hand, spin the disc and if it rotates by inertia, it means that the stroke is normal and the mechanism is usable. Any violation of the course indicates that the wheel is not in working order.

Here we are and provided all the basic tips for choosing an electricity meter. We hope that now you know which option is better to choose and buy for your conditions!
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